Monday, July 12, 2010

To be continued....

     As long as I can remember, I have wanted to be a writer. And a photographer, but that was an easy thing to do when I was growing up. Writing was harder. We did not have computers, and I was 8 years old. My handwriting was terrible, and my typing was even worse. But I remember well my first story. It was about Robby the Rocket, and something about a ghost.....well, that was 33 years ago, so I can be excused if I don't remember every detail. I still have it somewhere, if it hasn't been destroyed in one of a succession of storage closets.

     So I started this blog a few years ago with the thought that it would encourage me to start writing. Since this is my fourth entry in almost three years, you can well see that it was a roaring success.


     Since I am trying, again, to get myself into the process of writing again, I decided to see if this blog had fallen into the black hole of the internet or still existed. Imagine my surprise when I found that it was still here! And....that I had failed to publish the second entry. I fixed that and added a new one. For anyone that read entry number three, that happened--it did--but it was five years ago. My son did not go into the woods again while we lived in that place unless he was accompanied, and now he is a boy scout (well, he was a Webelo then) and is back to being comfortable in the woods. But he hates yellow jackets. I've been trying to talk him into Georgia Tech for college, but their mascot may turn him off.....maybe if I tell him they're UGA rivals, he'll overlook that.....

     Enough nattering for today. I've never been good at developing habits. Wish me luck on developing this one.

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